Posts by: Robert Ford

Edge Pieces and Corners: Building My Family History

Edge Pieces and Corners: Building My Family History

When I moved to the US in 1995, I naively thought of myself as a bold adventurer, the first in my family to venture overseas. When DNA testing became a thing, I very quickly realized that I have a lot of distant cousins here. Back then, the tools to help you join the dots and determine the who, how, and why distant relatives had made the journey across the Atlantic didn’t really exist, but I’m happy to report that that is starting to change Every 12-18 months, I find myself diving deep into genealogy… a bit too deep sometimes, as…



Last week, four months of hard work came to life with Camp Sacred City, a “magical place co-created by humans freely sharing their authentic gifts” taking place at Wonderfield Farm & Retreat in Floral City, Florida. For the almost two hundred people who heeded the call, it truly was a magical experience, and reinforced what a community is capable of, once we’ve set our minds to something. RECLAMATION Breathing in nature’s calming sighExhaling expectationsReleasing inhibitions and self-doubtsInhale… Exhale… Inhale… Exhale…Reconnecting to ancient rhythms withinRemembering who we truly areReturning home to Gaia’s embrace Feet firmly planted on sacred soilWe relinquish controlShedding…

Badge of Fandom, Mark of Mischief

Badge of Fandom, Mark of Mischief

Forty-four years ago, I almost got thrown off my degree course. It was March 1980, I’d just turned 19, and I was in my first year at Wolverhampton Polytechnic. The previous summer, I hadn’t got the required A-level grades to go to any of the Universities that had given me offers, nor where they good enough to get on the ‘insurance policy’ Computer Science degree course at Wolves, but they’d offered me a place on their Combined Studies course instead, which I’d accepted. Wolves Polytechnic had a pretty advanced computer environment for the time, with distributed groups of terminals spread…

Crafting and Communicating Relationship Boundaries

Crafting and Communicating Relationship Boundaries

Crafting and communicating personal boundaries in a relationship is a crucial aspect of maintaining your own well-being and ensuring mutual respect with your partner. It involves a delicate balance of self-awareness, assertiveness, and empathy. As you embark on this journey of asserting your needs and limits, remember that this process is not just about drawing lines, but also about building bridges of understanding and respect between you and your partner. The following steps are designed to guide you through preparing and conducting a conversation about your boundaries. They aim to empower you to express yourself clearly and confidently, while also…



I wrote this poem about a month ago, but decided to hold off on posting it until International Women’s Day, which is today (March 8th, 2023). I wrote it at the encouragement of my dear friend Sharon Hake, as a submission for an upcoming book from Great Dames, which is the nonprofit organization that she co-founded with her daughter, and where I serve on the Board. Great Dames is a dynamic, diverse community of women who are connected, empowered and inspired to create the impact they desire. In seeking submissions for the book, Great Dames were invited to share their…



I’m now in the home straights of finalizing ‘Love & Loss’, which is a collection of my poetry that will be out early in the New Year. It’s been a very cathartic process to revisit and curate almost half a century’s worth of my writing. Along the way, I’ve learned a lot about myself; about the paths that I’ve followed along the way, about where I am today, and what I want to do next. In introducing the title track ‘Love & Loss’, I’d like to share an excerpt from the book’s introduction: “My mother died when I was 17,…



I was feeling very tender when I woke up this morning. Today would have been my late brother’s 73rd birthday, and so I took some time to think about him, and about the part that he played in my childhood. He was the first person in my family to go to University, and it was only as an adult that I started to understand how difficult that must have been, and how he’d made it so much easier for my brother John and myself. Later, I decided to walk a few blocks and seek out my friends who were chalking…



My dad never really talked much about his childhood. He was the oldest of five children, and as a baby, his family moved to the newly-established mining village of Ollerton in Nottinghamshire, which is located on the edge of Sherwood Forest. I never met either of my paternal grandparents, or any of my dad’s siblings. My understanding, from the few times that my dad opened up about his early life, was that his dad had been a hard drinking womanizer, prone to bouts of the blue devils, which is a Derbyshire idiom for low spirits and depression. During those times,…



Since moving to Saint Petersburg, my spiritual journey has been on a tear. With hindsight, I can see that I’ve been ready for this for a few years. I just needed to plant myself within a fertile environment, and the rest would take care of itself. In my first couple of weeks of being here, I bought the domain name, thinking that it would be fun to document my growing awareness and acceptance of all things ‘woo-woo’. Before I had chance to think about setting up the blog, I found that I was going so far beyond the slightly…

Hasta Siempre

Hasta Siempre

This is a poem that I wrote a couple of months ago, as I prepared to relocate to Saint Petersburg. I’m sharing it now, with the blessing of the person that I wrote it for, and as my way of celebrating International Friendship Day, which is tomorrow (July 30th). The genesis of this poem comes from a fundraising idea I had for a non-profit, where I serve on the Board. Great Dames was co-founded in 2009 by my good friend Sharon Kelly Hake, and her daughter Heather Cassey. I’ve been involved from day one, and it is an organization that…

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