Posts by: Robert Ford



Since I started to think about relocating to Florida last fall, I haven’t really been writing much poetry. Getting my house ready to put on the market, and working to simplify my life and skinny down my worldly belongings took a lot more bandwidth than I anticipated. It’s only now that I realize just how much I was sheltered through multiple corporate relocations. I’ve been in Florida for four weeks now, and last weekend, I was finally reunited with my belongings (my tale of scammy moving companies holding my stuff hostage will have to wait for another day), and Saint…

(Not So) Furtive Fumbling

(Not So) Furtive Fumbling

It’s funny sometimes, the memories that our minds decide to dredge up. Sometimes, there is a clear link between what you’ve just been thinking about, a memory that you’ve been searching for, and what then pops into your head. At other times, there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to why your mind has decided to hit replay on a particular event or time in your life. This poem is based on one of those memories that bubbled up from nowhere, surprising me with the level of contextual information that bubbled up with it. Looking back, I can…

Kaleidoscope Colors

Kaleidoscope Colors

I was remembering and sharing things from my past the other day, and it struck me that how we interpret the actions of others, becomes part of our narrative going forwards. Stories that were assembled, based on our experiences and perspectives as young adults, might look very different today, if we were to revisit those source materials, bringing with us a lifetime of lessons learned, and hard-earned wisdom and insights. As I thought some more, it made me think of how just by tapping or gently twisting a child’s kaleidoscope, you’re rewarded with an entirely different image. Later, I thought…

In Lieu of Flowers

In Lieu of Flowers

This morning, after waking up unreasonably early, I decided to work on my upcoming book of poetry. I’m at that fortunate and simultaneously frustrating stage, where I have too much material, and in addition to deciding what to leave out, I’m also struggling with how to organize and sequence things. Anyway, as a lifetime procrastinator, I turned to one of my tried and tested ways of wasting time, by reading my FB feed. On there, I was taken by an Internet meme that has been shared by my daughter-in-law, which purports to be an obituary written by an AI program….

No more talk

No more talk

no more talkof what wasor what wasn’tno could have beenor should have beenlooking forwardthe pastis left behind the ‘we’that we weretogetheris a history lessonof miscommunicationsmisunderstandingsand missed opportunitieswe’ve learned from itno needor timeto relive it todaystronger and wisermore resilientmore understandingmore acceptingwe knowourselveswe loveourselves I celebrate youfinding lovemy search continuespain and gaina bar has been setand youa tough act to follow hopefulthoughtfuland thankfulpatientcompetentand resilient embracing lifetaking warmthfrom the sunreachingfor the starsdancingto my own rhythmnlove is in my heart

Looking for Tuxedo

Looking for Tuxedo

Every day that I’m in St. Petersburg, I walk 8-10 miles. It’s my way of building a mental map of the city, and also making sure that Wolfie is getting plenty of exercise. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I’ve made a commitment to meet and greet strangers along the way, and already, some of them have become friends. This is a story about a gentle soul, who I recently met on the streets, and his ongoing search for one of his cats, called Tuxedo. Looking for Tuxedo “I’d been looking for a sign, to let me know that he…

Escape Velocity

Escape Velocity

Whenever I post a poem, I always face the dilemma of whether to share its provenance, or to let readers jump to their own conclusions. After some deliberation, I’ve decided with the latter approach for this one. The idea for this one, came as I watched the sun rise over Crescent Park, in St. Petersburg. I was still wearing a smile on my face, as I could still hear the middle-aged African-American woman still singing gospel songs, as she jogged around the lake. She was now at some distance, but her voice carried over the water, and her joy was…

What’s So Funny ‘Bout Peace, Love, and Understanding?

What’s So Funny ‘Bout Peace, Love, and Understanding?

My latest random conversation was with Lindsay and Adam, over breakfast on Sunday morning. At this time of year, it is still around 80F at breakfast time, and so I’d chosen to sit outside what is St. Peterburg’s closest approximation to a classic Mid-Atlantic diner.  Lindsay and Adam were seated about 5 minutes after me, and as usual, Wolfie was the spark that triggered us to start talking. At some point, I mentioned that we’d traveled down from Delaware in my bright red campervan (Robert’s Red Ford – thank you, Lisa!). It turned out that Adam had used to live…



This morning’s conversation was with Trinnie, and it started when she fell for me in a big way. Or rather, when she fell over, right in front of me, in rather a spectacular way. I’d taken Wolfie down to St. Pete’s Pier, to watch the sun come up. Well, that’s why I was there. As usual, Wolfie was more there in the hope that he might finally catch one of those all-too elusive squirrels. After taking in the sun’s earliest rays, I bought a cafe con leche to go, and started to think about breakfast. The good thing about getting…

Not So Ordinary

Not So Ordinary

We’d reached the corner of the block, at the same time. I don’t remember exactly how our conversation started. I think it was that she’d admired Wolfie, who had previously been keeping himself busy, by sniffing every bush in sight. Now, he was patiently standing by my side, as we paused for this frail and elderly lady, carefully navigating the corner with her walker. The next part of our conversation went as so many of my conversations do, when she said “oh, you have an accent”. I responded in my usual way, with “I don’t have an accent… you’re the…

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