Kaleidoscope Colors

Kaleidoscope Colors

I was remembering and sharing things from my past the other day, and it struck me that how we interpret the actions of others, becomes part of our narrative going forwards. Stories that were assembled, based on our experiences and perspectives as young adults, might look very different today, if we were to revisit those source materials, bringing with us a lifetime of lessons learned, and hard-earned wisdom and insights.

As I thought some more, it made me think of how just by tapping or gently twisting a child’s kaleidoscope, you’re rewarded with an entirely different image. Later, I thought about it some more, and decided that we all owe it to ourselves to revisit some of the stories that we tell ourselves and others. By and large, people are dealing with their own demons, and do their best to move through their lives without hurting others. Be kind to those that may have inadvertently hurt you in the past. You can’t change those experiences, but you are in control with both what you take away from them, and how those insights guide you, moving forwards. Most of all, be kind to yourself.


An imperceptible shift
A nudge
A bump
A twist of the wrist

Diverging, converging
Captive and captivating

Long-held opinions
Perspective is everything

A child’s toy
The innocence of youth


  1. Tereza Wykes · December 30, 2021 Reply

    Good poetry always touches me like this just did!

  2. Rita Migliore · December 31, 2021 Reply

    The guy with kaleidoscope eyes! Thank you for fresh joy and a new perspectve!

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