The city awakens

The city awakens

As I write this, I’m in Medellin, Colombia.  Yesterday, I spent far too much time reading my Twitter feed, inwardly seething at the incompetence of His Orangeness and his butt-licking minions in their mishandling of the coronavirus. He really wants to leave American citizens on a cruise ship, just so that the number of US cases doesn’t go up??

Anyway, I digress. I woke up early this morning, and came up to the rooftop terrace of the hostel that I’m staying at, armed with my journal, a pen and copious amounts of coffee… and here is what came out.



The city awakens

The city awakens
Late, late night
Followed by an early morn
Strains of jazz are wafting my way
I want to ask for it to be turned up
But I’m content that it blends with the birdsong

The city awakens
A chill in the air
That will soon give way to warmth
Slowly, people are going about their day
While others sleep off their yesterdays

The city awakens
I hear snatches of conversation
I don’t understand them
But somehow, I do
Weekends have a language of their own

The city awakens
Neighbor greeting neighbor
Workers starting their day
Across the street, someone is welding
I see the arc, and my brain fills in the smell

The city awakens
And I am eager to be part of it
To lose and find myself
In streets unknown
Eager for adventure anew

© 2020 Robert Ford


1 Comment

  1. jeff · March 7, 2020 Reply

    Thanks for taking us on a journey and sharing the morning with us. Closing my eyes I can be with you.

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